Calvin Cofield & Kimberly Rice-Cofield Featured In #LOV3RZ January

#MusicLov3rz Independent Music Community #LOV3RZ Monthly Magazine Currently Reaching 1 Million+ #MusicLov3rz Worldwide per month! Est. 2012.

Our 2 year anniversary edition will be celebrated by featuring Calvin Cofield & Kimberly Rice-Cofield's amazing work for the Lord! Their music productions & clothing brands are just the start of this wonderful couple's talents and achievements.
Calvin's new single "Own Lane " is currently on pre-order and in 2018, they are releasing a remix of their song "LET'S MOVE" called "LET'S MOVE 2.0!" Catch our review of the new single.... it's a PRAISE DANCE song like no other!
They will share their full story too!! Coming on December 20th! 

On pre-order now! 
Calvin Cofield Ft. Dre Murry & T-Haddy

Holding Us Down 

True Worshippers
Kimberly Rice (feat. Kimberly Renee Carthage & Danyell Love)

#LOV3RZ Magazine #24 January 2018 - 2 Year Anniversary Edition
62 pages, published 12/20/2017
#LOV3RZ Magazine Clean Positive Independent Music Worldwide
